On the occasion of the 2020 World Blood Donors day, the U.C.H Blood Bank rewarded groups and individuals who engage regular Blood Donation Exercise with award plaques. These set of people have taken it as a responsibility upon themselves to donate blood for free.
Every 14th day of June is set aside as the World Blood Donors’ Day. Blood , according to expert is said to be an essential commodity that plays the most important role in keeping alive. You can not have an healthy living with inadequacies in the blood stream.
Blood cannot be manufactured. The only way to get blood is through donations from an healthy body who meet all requirement of donation.
In his speech, the Chief Medical Director of the prestigious University College Hospital, U.C.H, Ibadan Prof. Jesse Abiodun Otegbayo noted that Blood is one of the very special ways God shows his supremacy. As there is no modern technology that can manufacture Blood. If not donated by somebody, it cannot be generated and used for whomsoever is in need. Similarly, while appreciating and presenting awards to group of voluntary donors, he gave kudos to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organization (Majlis Khuddam) for their consistent live saving drive of free Blood donation for about 4 decades.
Other groups awarded were M.S.S.N U.C.H, Christ Chapel U.C.H, Vine Branch Church, T.M.C etc.
Notable to mention is Mr. Kareem Adisa who received an award of highest donor. He has so far donated 40 units of blood to the U.C.H Blood Bank. According to him ‘I started donating since 2006 without a break. I am very healthy and have not for once regretted my motivation towards donating blood’ He however, encourage all and sundry to adopt a tradition of blood donation, noting that, the reward of a blood donor is in this life as well as the hereafter.
Mr. Hussein Muftau, the president of Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organization, one of the awarded groups gave insights to his group’s meritorious service. “Our organization is well known among others for this welfare service which has spanned over 40 years to the U.C.H Blood Bank and National Blood Transfusion Service” he said.
“We believe our bloods will be used for Trauma and Road Accident victims; Obstetric Labour Complications; Patients with Anemia; Orthopedic; Cancer Patients and Blood related diseases among others” Hussein said.
“In 2019 alone our members in Oyo State donated over 600 pints to both U.C.H Blood Bank, N.B.T.S, and LAUTECH Teaching Hospital. And on the occasion of 2020 World Blood Donor, our members in Oyo State have donated 54 pints due to the Covid-19 rules”, he added.
The Chairman of the 2020 Blood Donor Day committee, Dr. Mrs Foluke Fashola appreciated everyone for making 2020 commemoration a success despite been a weekend and amidst the challenges of Covid-19.
“We were able to observe Social Distancing rules. We could not dance around for awareness this year, but thank God it was still held in grand style” she said.
While appreciating the voluntary donors, Dr. Fashola said “There is no blood bank without you, we are indeed grateful for your outstanding sacrifices”